Friday, April 27, 2012


There’s nothing quite like being told “You look tired today” to make you feel wonderful about yourself.

Full-time work fascinates me. Not so much the work itself, but the lifestyle that comes with it.

What works for me:

*Drinking over two litres of water throughout the day gives my brain clarity

*Eating raw and fresh foods like fruit and veg and saying “NO” to leftovers!!

*“Sensible” inserts in my shoes to support my flat feet

*Grazing on small meals

*Making a “power smoothie” and putting it in a stainless steel drink bottle to sip mid-morning

*Packing a whole bag of food to take with me so I don’t end up spending a fortune on sushi, gluten-free muffins, juices, etc

*Six spirulina tablets in the afternoon to get me through the 3pm energy slump

*A hell of a lot of New Zealand reggae music!

*Going to yoga, pilates and gyrokinesis 4 nights a week makes me feel empowered about my health and allows a break in the home-work-home routine

*As soon as I get home from work I’ll get out of my work clothes

*Aim to be in bed by 9:30pm to keep me in a good mood all day

*Having something exciting to look forward to eases the blow too. Like a reflexology appointment or massage, meeting up with a friend or even just a steaming hot bath with some essential oils and candles

But most of all the most important thing is having a rewarding job in a field that you are passionate about is the key.

Please share any tips that work for you! xx.


  1. Sorry Em this one's not healthy...a double shot flat white (and close your eyes)with two sugars!- from across the road at the cheap cafe. I'm an addict.


    1. Thought I'd follow up with something healthy. Back to work yesterday after a break. Lucky me I'm working from home. Lunch time I go to the local swimming pool, the place is busy, the local GP, a couple of council workers, younger people-students?? and two older ladies (80s perhaps)doing laps. All of us getting a hit of oxygen for our brains/bodies to get us thru the day. I know this works cos I'v been doing it for a while now. cheers
