Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Smoothie O'Clock!

It was *SMOOTHIE TIME* at the Caller household this morning! We make our own separate ones because he likes his thick and sweeter and I like mine milky and fruity.

His: pea protein, cacao, coconut oil, chia seeds, rolled oats, organic acai powder, almond milk, banana and blackberries.
Mine: pea protein, mango, blackberries, LSA, coconut oil, super greens powder (wheatgrass, barley grass, spirulina and chlorella).

It’s so fun to get your creative juices flowing in the kitchen and really get involved in preparing nourishing LIVE food for yourself instead of just pouring some processed cereal into a bowl. I always tell my clients that LIFE GIVES LIFE –which means you take on the vitality of your food so be mindful of how fresh your food is. Needless to say we are now bubbling with energy to bounce through the rest of the weekend!

Did you guys get your smoothie on this morning? What taste sensations did you come up with?

Top 5 Things I LOVED This Wk:

1. Learning that the size and extravagance of a bunch of flowers is in exact proportion to the amount of brownie points the can be earnt from me. I’m a sucker for Precious Petals bouquets.
2. Another yoga retreat booked in for next month!
3. Wandering into a new café and having the BEST salad: chicken, walnut, green apple, parmesan, celery and rocket with a honey mustard dressing. All while the new Fat Freddy’s Drop cd was cranking.
4. Riding my bike past a sea of happy yellow daffodils in someone’s front yard. It’s a sure-fire way to tell that August is here.
5. Picking up my guitar again after many years and strumming little songs to myself.

Emma the Naturopath xx

PS. “And then there’s the most dangerous risk of all… The risk of spending your life not doing what you want on the bet you can buy yourself freedom to do it later” –Randy Komisar.

Make your dreams a priority because there is no dress rehearsal for this precious life of ours.

"Wow it smells so good in here" is what we hear multiple times every day as people walk into the shop.

We'd like to say that it was us, but its actually our delicious Drishti Candles from Bellingen.

I've got the Fire Dancer burning at work (cinnamon and sweet orange) and I light the Uplifter (lime and lemongrass) every morning at home to begin each day with a fresh start.

Drishti Candles have no synthetic perfumes, artificial dyes just pure essential oils that offer a therapeutic effect like lifting your mood or promoting a restful sleep.

Next time you go to buy a cheap brightly coloured tropical scented candle, just be mindful about what you and your family are inhaling.

Every once in a while I’ll meet someone with no sense of smell. Can you imagine that? The things simplest things we take for granted! My yoga teacher once told me that when you need grounding, just tune into your sense of smell and this will stimulate your base chakra.

I came across so many beautiful scents today.

-earthy spicy-ness from a pot of dandelion chai
-salty breeze on the top of Muttonbird Island
-delicious oils infused with Ayurvedic herbs during my Indian head massage (thanks Trista at Ayurvedic Skin Care & Reflexology Fusion.)
-fresh laundry that’s been flapping in the sunshine
-bubbling yellow curry on the stove
-banana oat choc chip cookies baking in the oven
-my husband

Inhale, exhaaaaaale.

Soooo excited to get to work today and unpack the new *KORA ORGANICS* delivery!!!

Every time I order with Kora Organics I keep adding new products and increasing quantities because it's just selling like gluten-free hot cakes!

We're open every Sat from 9am til 1:30pm so pop in and have a play with the testers with me!

Kora is:
*cruelty free
*certified organic
*uses essential oils instead of fragrances
*packed with antioxidants like noni juice
*full of essential fatty acids like sea buckthorn and jojoba
*Australian made and owned

Sunny weather = happy people!

Keep those vibes high everyone!

Top 5 Things I LOVED This Wk:

1. Downloading a ‘Daily Affirmation’ app on my phone. Once I read that day’s affirmation, I set it to the background of my phone so I see it every time the screen lights up. Today’s was “I am surrounded with loving, caring people in my life”.
2. Funny faces, big yawns and a little sigh from 8 day old Ayana while she laid my arms. My husband nearly cried when his best mate asked him to be her godfather. Bless xx
3. A box of band aids with sharks all over them that I wrap my client’s fingers up with after I’ve taken their blood.
4. A satisfied craving for baked beans… with a little pink salt.
5. Making almond milk for the first time! Then making bliss balls out of the leftover ‘nut meat’. Recipes coming at you this wk!
Emma the Naturopath xx

PS. Marianne Williamson once wrote:
“Do what you love.
Do what makes your heart sing.
And NEVER do it for the money,
Go to work to spread joy”.

This is my favourite quote in the whole world. It makes me feel emotional every time I read it. What did you want to be when you grew up? Where do your thoughts wander when you daydream? What subject gets you all excited and makes your eyes light up? THIS is your passion! Do everything in your power to pursue this!

There is no denying that Spring is just 2 wks away!! 

The gorgeous Jasmine List at One Conscious Breath Yoga (previously Yoga Sense on Moonee St, Coffs) is running a Spring Intensive. There are only a few spots left so give her a call asap if you are looking to increase your vitality and shred you Winter coat!

Emma the Naturopath xx

PS. Pop over to Facebook and like "Essential Health Coffs"!

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