Sunday, August 11, 2013

Shop local.

Don't you think?

Mine: frozen blackberries, vanilla pea protein, cinnamon, coconut water, fresh mint, LSA, coconut oil.

It's just around the corner....!

Top 5 Things I LOVED This Wk:

1. Feeling the sweat trickle down my body at hot yoga on Tuesday night.
2. Three good luck signs this week: making a wish on the hugest dandelion I’d ever seen, picking up a penny (well 10c) and seeing a shooting star!
3. My current obsession: chai spiced dandelion tea with almond milk sprinkled with ground cinnamon.
4. Hour long phone calls, smoothie dates and sweet text messages with three of my long lost special friends that warmed my heart.
5. Tandem surfing with my husband at Scotts Head today. I was upside down during one of our lifts and gained a whole new perspective cruising along the wave with the water where the sky should be. 

Emma the Naturopath xx

PS. “Love recognises no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination” –Maya Angelou. This week, show those special people around you that you love them. It doesn’t have to be the clichéd bunch of flowers or box of chocolates. It’s the little things that count like cooking their favourite dinner or making them a hot water bottle and popping it into their side of the bed so it’s toasty when they jump in. Thoughtfulness goes along way.   

Not just for itchy scalps! It's also a fantastic weekly treatment for glossy smooth hair. 
Just don't forget to put an old towel over your pillow before you go to sleep!

"Imagine that you are having difficulties with a loved one, such as your mother or father, husband or wife, lover or friend. 

How helpful and revealing it can be to consider the other person not in his or her “role” of mother or father or husband, but simply as another “you,” another human being, with the same feelings as you, the same desire for happiness, the same fear of suffering.

Thinking of the other one as a real person, exactly the same as you, will open your heart to him or her and give you more insight into how to help."

-Sogyal Rinpoche, world-renowned Buddhist teacher

Top 5 Things I LOVED This Wk:

1. Having a Wintery weekday off and waking at 7am, refilling my hot water bottle and jumping back into bed til 10am, drinking tea, reading cookbooks and having lovely chats on the phone.
2. Going for an afternoon walk on the boardwalk at the marina and looking down to my right to see a baby stingray the size of a saucer cruising along beside me.
3. Meeting Billy, my new next door neighbour. The fluffiest white Persian cat I’ve ever seen. He has the hair of about 7 cats! Not the most masculine looking bloke!
4. Being asked at Café Bacio if I would like gluten-free toast or sourdough with my pumpkin soup. Hands up all the gluten-free peeps out there whose pet hate it is to be charged the same price for soup and toast even when you ask for no toast because you can’t eat it!
5. The rambling and wild garden of Mrs Jenny Joske. Could I please move in now?

Emma the Naturopath xx

PS. I received not one, not two, but THREE bags of citrus this week from loving customers and friends. Ruby grapefruits, Valencia oranges, lemons and Tahitian limes. There will be no scurvy in this household!

This week, think about how you can show GENEROSITY to your family, neighbours or anyone. Think about what you can do for the other person instead of what you can receive from them. Bake a batch of bickies and pop them in a jar saying “help yourself” in your staff room, tell the checkout chick a joke to brighten her day or leave a ten dollar tip for your waiter –even if you only ordered a coffee. As my yoga teacher once told me “you have an endless ocean of love and kindness inside of you”.

I’m so proud of being a sole trader instead of a franchise for so many reasons!

One of which is that I can stock any product/brand I believe in instead of being dictated by “head office” on what to sell because they have done a deal which certain companies. Ever wondered why you get *discount days* at franchises…?

So I choose to support/stock Australian brands that I LOVE such as:
*Rainbow Chai from Repton
*Drishti candles from Bello
*EpZen Epsom Soaks from Muwillumbah
*MooGoo from the Goldy
*Kora Organics from Sydney
*Bee Natural beeswax candles from Bonville
*D’Entrecastaux soaps from Valla
*Warbotanicals from Warbotan in Vic

Who is your dollar supporting? What is your fave “local product” or “small business”?

Does Vicks Vapour Rub work? Yes.
Is it natural? NO. Vicks contains petroleum by-products which are not good for us or our kiddies.

Here is the recipe I give my clients for a really easy to make chest rub that is gentle on the skin and works a treat!

Coconut Chest Rub

¼ cup organic coconut oil
15 drops eucalyptus essential oil
10 drops lemon essential oil
10 drops peppermint essential oil (if pregnant, swap for spearmint)
15 drops lavender oil (perfect for a restful sleep)

1. Melt the coconut oil by holding the measuring cup in a mug of boiling water.
2. Once melted, add in the essential oils and stir well.
3. Pour into a small glass jar or even an empty lip balm pot. That’s it!

-Massage into throat, chest and upper back.
-Add 2 tsp to a large bowl or the bathroom sink filled with boiling water then pop a towel over your head and breathe deeply.
-Add 2 tsp to a bucket of hot water with a cup of Epsom salts and pop your feet in for 20 mins.
-Massage into feet before bed then pop some old socks on.
My husband even rubs a little under his nose before footy training to keep his airways open!

If you were super keen and were going to make up a descent amount to give to friends/family, whiz mixture up in a food processor and it will be more fluffy and spreadable.

If you don’t have any essential oils at home and didn’t want to buy all four, Oil Garden have a blend of corn mint, eucalyptus and thyme called Breathe Easier which would work well.

Label the jar and keep essential oils out of the reach of children. Do a little patch test first if super sensitive skin. Coconut oil is a wonderful moisturiser especially for eczema and psoriasis and soaks right in! A little bit goes a long way!

Emma the Naturopath xx

Pop over to our Facebook page 'Essential Health Coffs' and say hello!

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