Monday, May 27, 2013

Just let go

Go with the flow....

Top 5 Things I LOVED This Wk:

1. The sweetest little apron a friend made just for me. A vintage doily front pocket and cream buttons, a little frill along the bottom and even ‘Little Em’ embroided across the straps with red thread. Love you Rena Rae xx My vintage apron fetish continues to flourish.
2. The flock of black butterflies that followed me on my beach walk today.
3. The satisfaction of cleaning a super dirty car.
4. Gushing over the cakes and slices the little old lady makes at the Thursday morning farmers market with my herbalist at my appointment this week. Hang on, aren’t we meant to be health professionals?! Oh but that’s right, we’re humans too ;)
5. My long raspberry red yoga tights making a comeback now that Autumn has truly set it.

Emma the Naturopath xx

PS. Try and be aware this week of letting go of things that you cannot control with a big exhaaaaale. You’ll feel lighter. I promise.

So me right now. 

Is anyone else starting to follow their heart more instead of just doing what you think will make other happy?

Top 5 Things I LOVED This Wk:

1. Witnessing two “Chiko roll girls”. They followed a group of guys down the beach with straightened hair and wearing what seemed to be denim undies. When the guys came in from the surf the Chiko roll girls handed them their towel, a box of bbq Shapes and a bottle of lemon squash. I thought this was just a Puberty Blues myth!
2. About ten seconds of sheer panic when I thought my feet had dramatically shrunk!! “How could this have happened?!”  I soon realised that my husband has identical blue Bonds socks like mine. Crisis averted.
3. A fancy midweek double date with beautiful friends.
4. A pair of suede fringed ankle boots for $29 from the markets. One pair + my size = score!!
5. Having a chat with the friendly owner at our fave Thai restaurant about hot curries. He disappeared then returned 5 mins later with some chillies he’d picked from his own plant which he wrapped in a serviette and gave to us.

Emma the Naturopath xx

PS. For various reasons we have gone out for dinner SO MUCH this week. So we’re really looking forward to eating some delicious home cooked meals next week. This week really savour dinnertime with your partner/family/own company and cook something wonderful made with love xx

FOOD AS MEDICINE: Lowering cholesterol

1. OATS: Porridge weather is creeping up on us! I cook mine with water on the stove at a low heat then add a splash of milk (or sometimes coconut cream) at the end to make it creamy! Choose rolled oats over “quick oats” and add in some cinnamon, a piece of fresh fruit and some LSA.
Throw a handful of oats in your smoothie or make up my awesome little oat slice below to have for morning tea.

2. FISH: Eat 2 serves of fish per week. No not fish and chips. Go for mackerel, trout, herring, sardines, tuna, salmon or halibut. Preferably locally caught.

3. NUTS: Snack a on a handful (42.5 grams if you’d like to be pedantic) of nuts each day. Choose from almonds, hazelnuts, pecans, pine nuts, pistachio nuts and walnuts.  Make sure the nuts you eat are raw (not roasted) and aren't salted or coated with sugar. Keep a jar on your desk or a little zip lock bag in your purse (or man bag).

4. COCONUT OIL: What’s not to love about coconut oil?! Use for cooking like you would any other oil, use as a dressing, in smoothies, bliss balls, add to porridge, spread on toast, off the spoon… 2 tablespoons is the goal.

5. HIGH FIBRE FOODS: chia seeds, psyllium, oat bran, brown rice, LSA.

Here's a great cholesterol lowering recipe!!


3 cups of organic oats
3 Tbsp coconut oil
2 bananas
2 eggs
2 Granny Smith apples
2 Tbsp chia seeds
1 Tbsp ground cinnamon
1 cup organic frozen berries

1. In a large bowl mash the bananas with a fork then whisk in the eggs and coconut oil.
2. Throw in the oats, cinnamon and chia seeds.
3. Grate the apples and add to the bowl along with the berries.
4. Line a baking tray with grease proof paper and smoosh mixture down with a wooden spoon.
5. Bake for 30mins in a 180C oven. Boom! That's it!

Such a great lunch box snack or yummy for brekkie with yoghurt on top. Try it! Substitute oats for quinoa flakes to make it GF.

Emma the Naturopath xx

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