Thursday, November 22, 2012

Butter London, back bends & coconut oil

New Butter London has arrived!

So many deliveries are arriving every day in the shop! It's like, well... CHRISTMAS!

Yesterday we unpacked a whole plethora of wild new nail polishes by Butter London! With names like Trout Pout, Disco Biscuit, Come To Bed Red, Slapper, No
 More Waity Katie and Cheeky Chops as well as acetone-free polish removers, base coats and top coats!

Butter London lacquers don't contain the 3 main chemicals that other polishes do that are attributed to cancer formation. Guess what? Our price is only $16.95 a bottle! We dare you to find a better price!

Top 5 Things I LOVED This Wk:

Well this weekend wasn’t like any other. I took myself to a Hatha yoga retreat a couple of hours away in the hinterland. Possibly the third best decision I’ve ever made (after marrying my husband and studying 

I had some big realisations and I’m so excited to share with you my insights and experiences at a later date. I’ve actually taken tomorrow off work to just reflect and absorb everything.

So this week is a very special ‘Top 5’.

1. Doing pranayama in the shala at 5:30 each morning watching the mist roll through the valley like waves.
2. Unbelievably delicious vegan food cooked with love by a gorgeous Ayurvedic chef.
3. Sitting on a couch in front of the fire while sharing laughter, stories and homemade chai with new friends.
4. A mindfulness meditation in the middle of a rainforest with our eyes closed. Raindrops were falling through the canopy and birds were singing their tunes.
5. Walking through the heavy rain after a 2hr asana session back up to the farm house to find a bubbling pot of pumpkin soup and a roaring fire.

Enjoy your week everyone. Turn the TV off this week and pick up a book instead.

Dear coconut oil,

I love you.

Emma the Naturopath xx

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