Friday, May 6, 2011

The second Sunday of May.

I guess if I had to sum up my Mum in one word it would be thoughtful. Mum was always the one who worked long hours running the family business with Dad, but never failed to have homemade biscuits in the cupboard, an immaculate house and a proper dinner on the table each night.

Mum wasn’t just Mum. She had other secret alter ego’s too: the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy and Santa Claus. She was the one who bought all our Xmas presents and would put the 50 cent pieces in our glasses of water from the Tooth Fairy.

Ever since I moved out of home I’ve received a package of flannelette pyjamas every winter and a package of marshmallow Easter eggs and a bunny for my boyfriend at the time.

She's the one who told me that being sensitive is a gift and that I could be whatever I wanted in life.

Mum's dream in life was to go to provincial Italy and her and Dad finally got to go last year. This is a photo of Mum pinching figs in Tuscany from some unsuspecting Italian's tree.

When I was young and innocent I would make a continental breakfast menu every Mothers Day and get her to tick the boxes according to which type of juice she would like or if she would prefer jam or vegemite on her toast. Of course she still has all of my little menu's stored away in her wardrobe somewhere. Her and Dad are in a campervan in South Australia somewhere at the moment drinking wine and sampling cheese, otherwise I would have made another menu, or at least taken her out for breakfast.

Happy Mother’s Day MummyBear. I love you xxxxxx.

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