Tuesday, December 25, 2012

How to be a succulent wild woman

Top 5 Things I LOVED This Wk:

1. Two AMAZING chairs from the antique shop that look like they were made for the very purpose to live in our house.
2. The relief of finding things that you feared had been lost FOREVER! Eg. My group certificate! Hooray!
3. The gluten-free biscuits my grandmother puts on a plate for me when we go over for a cuppa. I would never have the heart to tell her that each biscuit is equivalent to a week’s worth of sugar. She even bought me a packet to take home last week. Too cute.
4. Fireworks on Saturday night. The banging, the colours, the sparkling,  the “oohs” and “ahhs”.
5. Filling out one of those security question things for my online banking: “What is your dream job?” I went to type ‘naturopath’ then paused and smiled.
Emma the Naturopath xx

PS. Put your phone on silent, turn off the TV, stop writing to-do lists in your head and take ten deep cleansing breathes and smile…. Then take another ten.

"A succulent wild woman is a woman of any age who feels free to fully express herself in every dimension of her life. 

Stand firm and whole as a woman. You are precious and irreplaceable. Treasure your female self. Choose innocence. Invent ways to feel more free. Investigate your darkness" -Succulent Wild Woman by SARK.

(Which I read last night in the bath while drinking a cup of peppermint and lavender tea by candlelight).

If your man was one of the million guys who rushed into the shop today to ask me to help them pick out their wife/girlfriend/mother/mother-in-law a gift... Don't worry, you'll be opening something epic tomorrow ;)

Have a delightful day peeeps!

Emma the Naturopath xx

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Nourish yourself, Top 5 & hangover cures

I didn’t go to my pilates class tonight. I’m at home eating a tofu stirfry that my husband cooked. Then I’m going to have a hot bath, do some yoga and read a book in bed. I had a big day at work and I know that if I push myself today, that tomorrow I won’t have much to give to my clients, but more importantly, to myself.

It is so incredibly important right now to take extra care of ourselves. Everyone seems to be rushing around, constantly overcommitted having one too many late nights infused with alcohol. Then having an extra flat white the next day to make it through til 5pm.

The most frequent condition I see each February in my clinic is adrenal exhaustion. Simply because people push themselves beyond their limits though the silly season and then they get to February and collapse in a heap. Their body has pumped out all the adrenaline it can and they have to drag themselves again and start catching every cold that goes around.

So let this year be different! Live in the present moment because it’s still 2012. Listen to how your body is feeling and have an early night if you feel like you need it. Learn to put yourself first by knowing your limits.

But most importantly NOURSISH YOURSELF!!  Regularly pause and take ten deep cleansing breaths. Sit yourself down with a pot of tea and read a good book. Put your gardening gloves on and play around in your backyard. Book in a massage or reflexology treatment. Listen to your fave CD and dance around the room.

I let out a little squeal when I unpacked this amazingly beautiful stainless steel water bottle this afternoon! Get in quick! 

Top 5 Things I LOVED This Wk:

1. Going for a walk around the block just before dark and seeing all the twinkling Christmas tree lights in people’s homes. (In a totally non-stalkerish way of course!)
2. The smell of incense and fresh rain while I sat at my desk (the coffee table) and did bookwork.
3. Walking from the bathroom to the bedroom and catching a glimpse of my husband vacuuming the kitchen table.
4. Going on a spontaneous camping trip down the coast on Friday night. We left home at 7pm and arrived at the national park after 9. I woke up early Sat morning and drew back the (pirate print) curtains in the vans and was overwhelmed by our beautiful surrounds.
5. Roadside fruit stalls that sell stone fruit that are as cheap as chips.

When your head is racing, stop. Take a deep breath and remind yourself to live in the present moment.

We’re currently (eye)balls deep in the silly season. For a lot of people the celebrations start the first week on Summer and carry on til mid Jan. So it seemed appropriate to share with you my top 5 hangover tips.

1. Spirulina: Before hitting the sack take a six 500mg spirulina tablets to top up your nutrient levels that get depleted while drinking. The chlorophyll which gives spirulina it’s vibrant green colour is a fantastic blood cleanser. The other option is to throw a teaspoon into your banana smoothie the next day.
2. Nux vomica: Pop these little homeopathic pills under your tongue if you're feeling queasy and they'll set you on the right track.
3. Hydration: This is your time to drink (water) like a fish. Water is going to flush out all those nasty toxins from the alcohol. Booze turns off ADH (anti-diuretic hormone) in our brain therefore you pee more than normal which is dehydrating. The trick is to add a pinch of pink Himalayan salt to your glass of water to replace your electrolytes. It’s got over 100 different minerals in it and will help you absorb more water.
4. Avoid coffee: Caffeine is going to dehydrate you even more which is the last thing you need at this stage. Get into dandelion tea or some green tea.
5. Ginger tea: Grate or slice up some fresh ginger, throw in a slice of lemon and a little honey. The ginger acts as an anti-emetic (anti-spew) and the lemon will help to stimulate liver function.

So have fun kids and don't do anything I wouldn't do...

Emma the Naturopath xx

PS Don't forget to follow 'Essential Health Coffs' on Facebook!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Pressies, Top 5 & Fritters!

We have had SO much fun unpacking Christmas stock! There's something for mum, dad, hubby, your bestie and for your work mate's Secret Santa!

Here are 10 lovable gift ideas that are in stock now:

1. Akin gift packs
2. Cheeki stainless stee
l insulated mugs (our price is $19.95, not $24.95)!
3. Sweet William chocolate santas (dairy, gluten and nut free)
4. Bodecare body brushes
5. Doulton water filters
6. Byron Bay Bliss Balls
7. Weleda sea buckthorn gift packs
8. Sukin gift packs
9. Bee Natural beeswax candles (from Boambee)
10. Noosa Naturals choc coated blueberries, coffee beans and whole strawbs

We're putting up the Chrissy tree today!

Top 5 Things I LOVED This Wk:

1. Playing hide and seek with my niece and nephew. When I walked into the bedroom I called out “Is anybody in here?” and I hear a little voice from the wardrobe yell out “No!”
2. The cutest baby capsicums growing in my garden! They look like little toys.
3. My Om Veda gold face moisturiser. Bit decadent? Sure, but I’m worth it.
4. Friday midday smoothie: coconut water, watermelon, 2 mango cheeks, mint from the garden, passion fruit from Vanessa’s vine, 1 Tbsp LSA, frozen raspberries!
5. Rocking out to the Triple J’s ‘Like A Version’ volume 8 cd at the shop. YouTube: City and Colour playing Kimbra’s Settle Down and Jinja Sarari’s cover of R Kelly’s Ignition.

PS. Don’t forget to sit outside in the sun on your lunch break this wk!

I found a recipe for corn fritters in one of my recipe books so I “naturopathifyed” it! I whipped these puppies up this arv and threw the mixture in the fridge. My husband and I cooked them up when we got home from Cross Fit and demolished 
the lot!

Golden Vegie Fritters
1 ½ cups wholemeal spelt flour
½ cup polenta
1 tsp bicarb soda
2 free range eggs
1 ¼ cup soy milk
1 cup grated cheese
1 corn cob, kernals sliced off
1 zucchini, grated
1 carrot, grated
3 shallots, diced
Chives, diced

In a large bowl, mix together the flour polenta and bicarb. Add everything else. Form into little patties and cook in a frying pan on a low heat with coconut oil until golden brown. Serve with a salad. Wheat-free, vegetarian, dairy-free (if you leave out the cheese).

Emma the Naturopath xx

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Summer loving

To mark the 1st wk of Summer for 2012/2013, I thought I’d do a….

Top 5 Things I LOVE About Summer:

1. Ocean swims in the morning then afternoon swims in the river to wash off the salt
2. Wearing mismatched bikinis with tangled beach hair
3. Daylight savings making your life feel like you fit so much more quality into it
4. Fresh juice and crunchy salads
5. Feeling like that the sun on my skin FEEDS me

What do you LOVE most about Summer?

The old lady next door wandered over to me as I was weeding my garden yesterday. She asked what I do for work and I replied that I'm a naturopath.

"Oh so you sell lingerie"?

I'm not sure what sort of naturopaths she'd seen in the past...?

Top 5 Things I LOVED This Wk:

1. Writing a whiteboard full of To Do’s but only doing the fun things ie. Paint nails, water pot plants instead of the boring things ie. Pay superannuation, vacuum floor.
2. Stunning violet agapanthus chopped 
from the garden and put into vintage glass bottles and placed around my house and clinic.
3. Riding my bike to work! My inner child LOVES speeding down the hill!
4. The most ridiculously delicious smoothie: coconut water, mint from the garden, chia seeds, ½ a mango, 1 tsp spirulina, organic raspberries thrown in the blender. Promise me you’ll try it!
5. Giving my husband the finger when he dropped in on me at Shelly Beach this morning.

Have a wonderful week everyone! Re-read your favourite book this wk.

Emma the Naturopath xx

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Butter London, back bends & coconut oil

New Butter London has arrived!

So many deliveries are arriving every day in the shop! It's like, well... CHRISTMAS!

Yesterday we unpacked a whole plethora of wild new nail polishes by Butter London! With names like Trout Pout, Disco Biscuit, Come To Bed Red, Slapper, No
 More Waity Katie and Cheeky Chops as well as acetone-free polish removers, base coats and top coats!

Butter London lacquers don't contain the 3 main chemicals that other polishes do that are attributed to cancer formation. Guess what? Our price is only $16.95 a bottle! We dare you to find a better price!

Top 5 Things I LOVED This Wk:

Well this weekend wasn’t like any other. I took myself to a Hatha yoga retreat a couple of hours away in the hinterland. Possibly the third best decision I’ve ever made (after marrying my husband and studying 

I had some big realisations and I’m so excited to share with you my insights and experiences at a later date. I’ve actually taken tomorrow off work to just reflect and absorb everything.

So this week is a very special ‘Top 5’.

1. Doing pranayama in the shala at 5:30 each morning watching the mist roll through the valley like waves.
2. Unbelievably delicious vegan food cooked with love by a gorgeous Ayurvedic chef.
3. Sitting on a couch in front of the fire while sharing laughter, stories and homemade chai with new friends.
4. A mindfulness meditation in the middle of a rainforest with our eyes closed. Raindrops were falling through the canopy and birds were singing their tunes.
5. Walking through the heavy rain after a 2hr asana session back up to the farm house to find a bubbling pot of pumpkin soup and a roaring fire.

Enjoy your week everyone. Turn the TV off this week and pick up a book instead.

Dear coconut oil,

I love you.

Emma the Naturopath xx

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Yumminess for the tummy and the mind


One of my awesome natural mama customers let me in on this epic little blog Natural New Age Mum.

I just whizzed up her Blueberry Breakfast Slice and it is unbelievable (and SO easy)!! ...
It was in the oven in the same time it took to make my chai on the stove :)

3 cups of organic oats

3 Tbsp coconut oil
2 bananas
2 eggs
2 Granny Smith apples
2 Tbsp chia seeds
1 Tbsp ground cinnamon
1 cup organic frozen berries

1. In a large bowl mash the bananas with a fork then whisk in the eggs and coconut oil.
2. Throw in the oats, cinnamon and chia seeds.
3. Grate the apples and add to the bowl along with the berries.
4. Line a baking tray with grease proof paper and smoosh mixture down with a wooden spoon.
5. Bake for 30mins in a 180C oven. Boom! That's it!

Such a great lunch box snack or yummy for brekkie with yoghurt on top. Try it! Substitute oats for quinoa flakes to make it GF :)

Please share any great blogs or healthy snack recipes you know of!

Top 5 Things I LOVED This Wk:

1. Finding a peacock feather on the ground on the way to work on Fri. I had no idea peacocks roamed the streets at night in Coffs. It’s a bit like the alligators in the sewers of New York theory.
2. Pinching flowers from every gardenia bush I walked past this week. The scent takes me straight back to the Summer of 2003.
3. Having lengthy conversations about what we’d do with the $100 million jackpot.
4. Rainy weekend comfort food: steamy miso with wakame, chic and vegie soup with pasta spirals, berry and coconut spelt pancakes with maple syrup, hot tea in cafes with good looking people.
5. Surfing at Arrawarra with my 8 yr old flower girl. I think we both got the longest rides of our lives today!

If you see a donation tin or tip jar this week, throw some shrapnel in.

Ahhhh Wednesdays! I may have mentioned that I now take Wednesdays off as a bid to maintain balance in my life. Today looked a little something like this:

Vegie juice
Solar eclipse
Surf at Diggers
1 and 1/2hr Ayurvedic facial with Trista at Ayurvedic Skin Care & Reflexology Fusion. (Do yourself a favour!)
Peppermint tea
Now off to yoga followed by a bath


What would it take for you to get a babysitter for the kids or finish work at 2pm so that you can have a slice of YOU time? You will think clearer, look and feel better and value the time you have with loved ones more. I highly recommend it.
Don't forget to head over to Facebook and press LIKE on the Essential Health Coffs page!
Take care of yourselves!
Emma the Naturopath xx

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Be soft.

"Be SOFT. Do not let the world make you hard. Do not let the pain make you hate. Do not let the bitterness steal your SWEETNESS. Take PRIDE that even though the rest of the world may disagree, you still believe it to be a BEAUTIFUL place" -Kurt Vonnegut.

Top 5 Things I LOVED This Wk:

1. The happy yellow colour of my zucchini flowers.
2. BUYING TICKETS TO JAPAN FOR JAN/FEB!! Hello snowboarding and dumpings!
3. Sunset surfs and snorkelling at Cresent Head.
4. Standing in the supermarket snif
fing mangoes.
5. Naming the blue tongue lizard in my garden a cute old man’s name so it wouldn’t give my a heart attack every time he pokes his out from behind my strawberries. Now we just go “Oh, its just Alfred!”

Any hot tips for Japan??

Emma the Naturopath xx

PS. Don't forget to head over to Facebook and like the Essential Health Coffs page!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Traralgon Ingredients

*For all the wheat-free, gluten-free, nut-free, dairy-free, yeast-free, soy-free, egg-free, vegan, etc etc etc peeps out there*

Check out the Traralgon Ingredients online store for all those hard to get specialised products and maybe a bit of Christmas shopping. They deliever all over the country. Oh yeah, and it's owned by my big bro and his missus ;)


Saturday, September 15, 2012

Tea and underarms


~T~ is for Tea

“There is no trouble so great or grave that cannot be much diminished by a nice cup of tea” –Bernard-Paul Heroux

Ahhh is there nothing better than a hot cup of tea? Unfortunately too much black tea is a diuretic and is quite acidic, so herbal tea is the way forward! Tea drinking is a wonderful way to top up your hydration levels as well as getting a gentle therapeutic effect. When possible I grow the herbs in my garden, otherwise I’ll buy organic tea. If you’re pregnant or on medications, have a quick chat to your naturopath first.

My Top 10 Medicinal Teas:

Ginger: morning sickness
Fennel: tummy upsets
Licorice: dry tickly cough
Chamomile: period pain
Green tea: weight loss
Dandelion root: liver detoxification
Rosehip: osteoarthritis
Thyme: sore throat
Lemon balm: anxiety
Passionflower: for sweet dreams

Think I might go and put the kettle on now! What tea are you loving right now?

Emma the Naturopath xx


*U* is for Under arm deodorants

Some antiperspirant deodorants contain aluminium ions that enter the skin cells, causing them to swell and blocks sweat from being secreted. This stops the natural elimination of toxins, which is what our bodies are actually designed to do.

Having aluminium in cells located close to the breast tissue and lymph nodes is not a comfortable thought for me, as the long-term effects of this has yet to be confirmed safe.

Let’s face it, many natural deodorants don’t work that well and try to mask odour with a herb garden full of essential oils. Some research shows that if you are swapping to a natural deodorant from an antiperspirant, you may initially need to reapply throughout during the day as years of blocked perspiration will need to clear. But then you’re right as rain for one daily application.

The deodorants our customers love the most?

Mayvers Neroli
The Body Crystal roll-on
MiEssence Organic Tahitian Breeze

What’s yours?

Be mindful of what you’re putting on your body. You’d be surprised about how much you actually absorb into your blood stream!

Emma the Naturopath xx

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Get ready for Spring!!

Hello 27 degrees in sunny Coffs Harbour! There are only 4 sleeps til Spring... and I've already sussed out where all the jasmine bushes are on my morning walk so I can bury my head into them!


S is for Spring!

It’s Spring on Saturday! Spring is actually acknowledged as the first season of the year as it focuses on renewal and beginnings. Our energy starts to flow up and outwards after the colder contemplative months of Winter.

I’ve noticed my customers and clients are beginning to feel lighter emotionally and physically as the weather warms up, and our diet also needs to reflect this. Opt for stir-frying or steaming your veggies so they still have that crunchiness and start reintroducing salads to your meal times.

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine the liver and gallbladder are more sensitive during Spring. So give them a bit of extra love by starting your day with a squeeze of lemon in warm water, swapping one of your coffees for dandelion root tea, whizz up a fresh vegies juice each morning and release anger and resentment.

Go play outside in the fresh air and have some fun!

As it’s my fourth fun filled day of my holiday in the bay of love, I’m giving you a very special...
Top TEN Things I LOVED This Wk:

1. The lighthouse being lit up yellow for Daffodil Day
2. CoYo organic coconut yoghurt
3. Going for a lighthou...
se walk and the whales jumping out of the ocean all over the place like fireworks!
4. Red Saltwater sandals.
5. A 5am wakeup call, 9 km, 15,334 steps (according to my pedometer)… also known as conquering Mount Warning! Having to pull yourself up to the summit by chains is not for the faint hearted. But oh the view!!! I am so thankful to have such healthy legs.
6. A refuelling feast at the Bangalow Markets! Homemade chicken dimsims, gluten-free orange blossom cupcake with passionfruit icing, seafood paella with fresh lemon, a spirulina, mango, banana, macadamia nut smoothie. In that order!
7. Drinking a dandelion almond milk latte while hypothesising about life with a girlfriend at The Conscious Café.
8. How crystal clear (and fresh!) the ocean is this time of year.
9. A phone call from my long lost parents.
10. Not washing my hair since Thursday, because hey, it’s just going to get salty again tomorrow!

Enjoy the last week of Winter everybody!

Emma the Naturopath xx

PS. I’ll be physically back in the shop tomorrow after my holiday, but my mind and heart may still be in Byron Bay :)

Essential Health
Coffs Harbour
0266 514 533

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Rest, nut milk & My Top 5!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Postcard people

I had such a refreshing conversation last week with a woman about honesty. We agreed that we –as women, need to be more honest with each other about what’s REALLY going on in our lives. That way we don’t compare ourselves to the person who we are talking to who has this effortlessly “flawless” life, even though it’s rarely the case.

I call them “postcard people”. On the back of the postcard with the blue sky, turquoise water and white sand there’s a message that reads “Weathers been great, loving the food, its paradise”. Even though the prawns they had last night gave them food poisoning, their wallet got stolen and they haven’t stopped fighting with their partner.

Perhaps your husband bought you flowers BUT we had an argument about him not pulling his weight around the house. Or yes your job is fantastic BUT your boss is being an absolute nightmare which is causing you to lose sleep.

And there is nothing wrong with any of those things! It’s called LIFE! Nobody is perfect.

Let’s create a trusting and nonjudgmental environment to open up to each other and be supported. Competitiveness is SO high school.

Today I felt a bit overwhelmed and exhausted, but then I went for a walk in the sunshine with my good friend and now feel really uplifted. Now you try... xx

The Healthy Bones Workshop

What happens when you put a naturopath/nutritionist (myself, Emma Caller), a physiotherapist (Tamara Urquhart) and a pilates/yoga/gyrokinesis teacher (Suzanne McCarty) in the one room?

First off I’ll be speaking about food as medicine ways to prevent and treat osteoporosis, followed by Tamara who will be answering all your questions on exercise and bone health. Finally Suzanne is going to run a pilates mat class specialising in osteoporosis care.

The workshop is being held at 10:30 on Saturday the 8th September at Hara Beyond Movement Studio on Little Street in Coffs Harbour. The price is $45. To make sure you secure a space, please call Suzanne on 0266 524 462.

Emma the Naturopath xx

Monday, July 23, 2012

Did you have a coffee this morning?

Guess what I found out today! 2.7 MILLION TAKEAWAY COFFEE CUPS ARE THROWN OUT EVERY DAY! And that's only IN AUSTRALIA! Holy moly... Hello landfill, not to mention the toxic petroleum based plastic lining :(

So what can we do about it?

*Take your own mug to the cafe

*Encourage your local cafe to use eco friendly BioCups and support the ones that do eg. the Top Shop in B Bay

*Buy yourself a reusable Cheeki stainless steel mug

*Give a coffee drinking friend a Keep Cup as a gift

*Take your own flask of coffee/tea to work with you

Stay mindful. Emma the Naturopath xx

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Surf health & dry skin!

First up, I'm now a health blogger for ST Surf Images!! I'll be banging on about surf health every fortnight. So head over there and have a read and check out all the stunning images that Tom and Sherrin Woods take of our beautiful Coffs Coast! http://www.stsurfimages.com/featured/introducing-little-emm/

On a different note...

One day my nutrition lecturer bluntly pointed out that DRY SKIN is an essential fatty acid deficiency, not a Sorbolene deficiency. How good is that!

Our cell membranes are made of fat/oil so if we’re low in essential fatty acids, the wate...r inside the cell will leak out. And if we’re dehydrated, our vital organs steal the water from our skin to carry out our more important bodily functions like liver detoxification. That leaves the poor old skin looking as scaly as a snake!
There’s a whole lot of dry skin going on in Coffs. Crowds of customers are coming in asking for a heavy moisturiser, which is all very well and good, but I always ask them what they are doing INTERNALLY.

I’m a bit of a broken record. It goes like this...

*How much WATER have you had to drink today? Or have you just been having English breakfast tea intravenously?

*Have you taken your fish OIL/flaxseed oil/coconut oil/sea buckthorn oil today?

*Have you eaten many OILY FOODS like olive oil on your salad, avo’s and fish?

*Have you been EXERCISING for thirty minutes a day, having massages and dry body brushing to stimulate your circulation and LYMPHATIC SYSTEM?
My fave winter moisturiser is using a pure oil like cold-pressed apricot kernel, almond, black sesame or coconut! How many ingredients are in your moisturiser?

Emma the Naturopath xx

PS. Have you guys LIKED the Essential Health Coffs page yet? http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Essential-Health-Coffs/134478949931993

Friday, June 29, 2012

Winter Wonderland

“What good is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter to give it sweetness.”  John Steinbeck.

Well when you put it THAT way :)

Here's a little something I created yesterday morning before clinic... And it actually worked!!

Spiced Banana and Yoghurt Cake

250g organic wholemeal spelt flour

80 g organic brown rice flour...

2 tsp gluten-free baking soda

2 tsp ground cinnamon

2 Tbsp extra virgin cold pressed coconut oil

200g plain Greek yoghurt

2 free range eggs

1 ripe banana, mashed

200g raw organic sugar

Sliced peaches

Preheat the oven to 170 degrees and grease a square cake tin with coconut oil. Sift flours, baking powder and cinnamon into a large bowl.
In another bowl add the banana, oil, yoghurt, sugar, and eggs then pour into the dry ingredients bowl. Mix for 3 mins with electric beaters.
Pour into cake tin and add the peach slices on top. Bake for about 45 mins or until golden then leave to stand for 10 mins before you slice and DEVOUR it!

Enjoy! xx Emma the Naturopath

PS. Head over to Facebook, type in Essential Health Coffs and give that 'Like' button some love!


Thursday, June 7, 2012

LIKE us because we like you :)

Hey healthy cats!

I'm doing weekly posts on the 'Essential Health Coffs' Facebook page. So find us and give that 'Like' button some love.

Lots of love and spirulina,

Emma the Naturopath xx

Monday, May 7, 2012

*Alphabet Tuesdays*

‘C’ stands for ~Coconut Chai Popcorn~ I was standing in line at the video shop the other day and picked up a packet of microwave popcorn. After turning it over and reading the ingredients, I quickly put it back on the shelf.
When I got home I grabbed a medium sized saucepan, turned the hot plate to a low heat, added 1 tablespoon of coconut oil, 1/2 cup of Lotus organic popping corn kernels and put the lid on.

After a couple of minutes there was a party in the saucepan and everyone was invited. In a separate saucepan I melted a couple of teaspoons each of organic butter and raw organic honey, then drizzled it over the popcorn. To top it off I sprinkled it with Hari Har chai spice mix (organic cocoa, cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger and cardamon).

The coconut oil is the best choice because it can be heated to a super high temp without oxidising and turning rancid. Plus the subtle coconutty flavour is divine.

Perfect for lunchboxes, afternoon snacks and rainy day movie marathons. xx

Monday, April 30, 2012

The Essential Health Bliss Balls

                                                             *Alphabet Tuesdays*

                                                        ~B~ is for BLISS BALLS!

There are soooo many bliss ball recipes out there. The part that I’m not keen on is that the majority are based on dates and other dried fruit which are super high GI.

About 8pm the other night I was staring into the pantry looking for something sweet. Let’s face it; it was a complete waste of time because my shelves look just like the ones in my health food shop. So basically I started throwing things in the food processor!

It seriously took less than ten minutes from start to finish and there’s only one thing to wash up!

1 Tbsp peanut butter (the 100% freshly ground stuff from the health food shop. None of this Kraft business)

1 Tbsp extra virgin coconut oil

1 Tbsp organic cacao powder

1 Tbsp vanilla protein powder (I use pea protein)

A handful of pecans

A handful of almonds

1 tsp ground cinnamon

1 banana

½ cup sesame seeds or LSA or desiccated coconut or chia seeds to coat the balls in

Whizz together in your food processor then roll into balls and coat with sesame seeds and store in an airtight container in the fridge.

Makes 12.

Dairy free

Wheat and gluten free



High in protein

Rich in antioxidants

Great source of fibre

Go crazy on the variations:

Tahini –for extra calcium

Molasses –for extra iron

Spirulina –for a super nutrient hit

Maca –for lots of minerals

Slippery elm –for happy gut health

Psyllium husks –to cleanse your bowel

Flaxseed oil –increases essential fatty acids


Friday, April 27, 2012


There’s nothing quite like being told “You look tired today” to make you feel wonderful about yourself.

Full-time work fascinates me. Not so much the work itself, but the lifestyle that comes with it.

What works for me:

*Drinking over two litres of water throughout the day gives my brain clarity

*Eating raw and fresh foods like fruit and veg and saying “NO” to leftovers!!

*“Sensible” inserts in my shoes to support my flat feet

*Grazing on small meals

*Making a “power smoothie” and putting it in a stainless steel drink bottle to sip mid-morning

*Packing a whole bag of food to take with me so I don’t end up spending a fortune on sushi, gluten-free muffins, juices, etc

*Six spirulina tablets in the afternoon to get me through the 3pm energy slump

*A hell of a lot of New Zealand reggae music!

*Going to yoga, pilates and gyrokinesis 4 nights a week makes me feel empowered about my health and allows a break in the home-work-home routine

*As soon as I get home from work I’ll get out of my work clothes

*Aim to be in bed by 9:30pm to keep me in a good mood all day

*Having something exciting to look forward to eases the blow too. Like a reflexology appointment or massage, meeting up with a friend or even just a steaming hot bath with some essential oils and candles

But most of all the most important thing is having a rewarding job in a field that you are passionate about is the key.

Please share any tips that work for you! xx.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Welcome to *Alphabet Tuesdays*!

What better place to start than *A* for apple cider vinegar! This nifty liquid is super alkalising! Never hungry in the mornings? Add 2 tsp of ACV to half a glass of water and sip slowly 15 mins before a mea...l to stimulate digestive secretions and your metabolism. Also yummy as a salad dressing or splashed over steamed vegies! Or even diluted as a toner for oily/acne prone skin! Always choose organic because apples can be so heavily sprayed with pesticides. xx

Friday, April 20, 2012

Lady luck

I’m not a fan of “luck”. Do you know anyone who answered a knock at the door to a stranger shaking their hand, handing them a uni degree, their new name tag to a great job, a huge chunk of cash and then introduce them to their soul mate?

I was in the bank today and the teller asked me how my parents were going. When I replied that they were travelling up the center of Australia in their Winniebago then heading over to Western Australian in Spring to see the wild flowers the lady said “Half their luck!” No, it’s called getting a uni degree, working your fingers to the bone, making courageous business decisions, then saving your money and investing it wisely. I know it was a passing comment, but do you get what I mean?

I read once that luck was when preparation meets opportunity. This sits well with me. If you want the rainbow, you’ve got to put up with the rain because there are no shortcuts to anywhere worth going.

Do you consider some people “lucky”? Are you putting in the hard yards to work towards your goal or looking for the next quick fix?

Have a beautiful weekend everyone xx.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Pleasure beyond measure.

“This toothpaste is so good it nearly makes me orgasm every time I brush my teeth!” exclaimed my customer last Friday. Followed by a “God, this is what my life has come to....” I reassured her that it’s a fantastic thing to find happiness in all the simple things in life, especially when you are a sleep deprived mother of a newborn, a toddler in his terrible two’s and have just returned to work.

Another customer that day told me that the Ayurvedic soap he uses makes him feel like he’s levitating as soon as he gets in the shower.

Incorporate little bursts of happiness into your day to bring you joy. Here are some of my little daily rituals that make my heart feel lighter xx

Opening the bedroom blinds when I wake up and feeling the first rays of sunshine on my face.

Feeling the chilled terracotta tiles under my bare feet as I rush out to my courtyard to check on the garden’s progress.

Extra sprinklings of cinnamon in my morning chai.

Pouring the chai out of my favourite white and navy anchor teapot.

Listening to Fat Freddys Drop on repeat for the whole day at work.

The glow of vanilla scented candles in empty jam jars while I have my bath.

The intoxicating smell of home grown basil in the food processor while making homemade pesto.

A goodnight phone call from my husband.

You don’t need to spend endless amounts of money on new things, because the best things in life are free. All the happiness that you need in your life is already right there inside of you. xx

PS. Just incase you were wondering, the “orgasmic” toothpaste is MiEssence organic mint toothpaste ;)