Don’t just celebrate all the major things in life such as graduations, weddings and job promotions. Celebrate ALL of your (and your loved ones) achievements no matter how insignificant they may seem! This includes handing in assignments when you’re in your first year of uni, 3 month anniversaries in a new relationship or losing 2 kilos when you’re on your way to 10.
Celebrating even the tiniest success you experience is a positive reminder that you’re one stepping stone closer to your goals.
Looking at a sizeable goal such as finishing a uni degree or losing a large amount of weight can be really overwhelming and feel far from your grasp in the beginning. So breaking it down into little bite-size chunks makes it so much more achievable and motivating.
Last Tuesday night at my yoga class I did my first unattended headstand! Metaphysically it can be quite a challenge to have your heart above your head… So to celebrate I rewarded myself yesterday with a massage :)
"Tiny ripples create a vast ocean."
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