As morbid as it sounds, Brad Pitt’s character in Fight Club was correct when he said “This is your life and it’s ending one minute at a time”.
Life is too short to not burn candles that don’t smell delicious
Life is too short to not have the softest bamboo sheets in the world
Life is too short to not invite your parents over for dinner
Life is too short to not put marshmallows in your hot chocolate
Life is too short to not do absolutely everything in your power to follow your dreams
Life is too short to not experience those countries you always talk about going to
Life is too short to not see live bands that give you a little tingle everytime you listen to their cd afterwards
Life is too short to not wear ridiculously loud socks to pilates when everyone else has on white
Life is too short to not utilise your talents and use them to your full potential
Life is too short to not share your life with someone who doesn’t crack you up on a daily, if not hourly basis
Life is too short to not give a damn about your health
Don't be boring. Make life juicy. xx
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