Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Trust yourself

Top Five Things I LOVED This Wk:

1. John Butler’s cover of Pharrell’s Happy on Triple J’s ‘Like a Version’. What a way to start the weekend! Did you hear it? Check it out on YouTube.
2. Super cruisy mornings at Joel and Chrystal’s at Lennox: fruit salad, topping up cups of tea, laughs and the four of us stretching on the lounge room floor. Followed by surf checks and car park chats.
3. The little kid walking up the lighthouse behind me loudly singing his timetables.
4. Rose and strawberry raw vegan cheesecake.
5. Fun surfs with friends at Wategos involving board swapping, party waves, water camera shots and chicken dances.

Emma the Naturopath xx

PS. Prior to performing for Like a Version, John Butler was asked if he was still enjoying being a musician after all these years…

“I’m enjoying it more… I think I’m finally getting the hang of it. For a lot of it actually, the first ten years was a little bit frustrating. I was always scared. I was always just frightened about what the hell I was doing.

I still get frightened but I think I trust myself a bit more. I think it all comes down to trust and I love what I do and I’m just so thankful to do it. So I enjoy every millisecond of it.”

I reckon most people who have taken a leap and experienced a big transition could relate to this. Starting a uni degree, first time parents, going on a big overseas trip or for me, buying a business at 24. For the first 12 months I was living on any drop of adrenaline my poor little adrenal glands would secrete! Then once in a while I still have a panicked moment! Why did I wag most of my business subjects at uni?!

I’m 29 now and I feel like I’ve ironed out most of the bumps and its full steam ahead. I am so grateful for the forever bubbly Vanessa and my gorgeous customers, clients and Facebook peeps that make my world so joyful and allow me to go to work each day with such purpose.


We rustled together a few goodies here at Essential Health to help you ease off the sweet stuff

A delicious blend of organic herbs including chamomile, lavender, licorice and lime flowers which not only curbs the urge for something sweet after a meal, it’s a great digestive blend.

This brand ticks all the boxes: extra virgin, certified organic, cold pressed and in a GLASS jar. My dad claims to have conquered his sweet tooth by having a spoonful of oil when he feels the need.

Practical and yummy recipes. Includes a four week wellness plan in the back.

To keep your dentist happy.

Raw, vegan, certified organic and smells like Mars Bars!

If your blood glucose issues are a little more serious, have a chat to your naturopath about supplements to assist pancreatic function and increasing glucose receptor sensitivity.

Derived from the naturally sweet stevia plant, this powder is a smart low GI option to add a little sweetness into your life.

Emma the Naturopath xx

Top Five Things I LOVED This Wk:

1. Opening a box from my parent’s storage shed labelled ‘Emma’ to find a dusty assortment of hand written letter and cards, photos, posters, mixed cassette tapes and journals. Heart warming and cringe-worthy.
2. A chilled afternoon bbq in the garden involving besties, babies and brownies.
3. Walking outside after my bath to get my book I’d left in the car and pausing to take in the stillness of the crisp Autumn night, the brightness of the moon, the stars that were twinkling away and chirping of a few crickets. Mindfulness is such a beautiful gift when we stop and give ourselves the time.
4. Peanut butter Lindt balls.
5. That pause at the top of your breath before a big exhaaaale while meditating.

Emma the Naturopath xx

PS. Something crazy happened two weeks ago that totally shifted the perspective I had on my life.

A friend of a friend popped in to say hey as she was on her way down the coast. When she asked me how I was, I told her how I’d been feeling stuck and frustrated with a situation that’d been going on for at least 12 months now.

She shared with me a similar situation she’d been in and that was causing her to experience those same anxious feelings and then she goes “and I realised that all those time frames and restrictions that were causing me so much stress and worry were put there by ME… SO. I. JUST. TOOK. THEM. ALL. AWAY”.

As soon as she said those words I could physically feel my shoulders feel lighter and my heart had room to move again. I just let it all go. All the expectations, impatience, criticism and pressure I’d placed upon myself. I’d put them there in the first place, so I was the one that had the power to take them all away. Too much effort without enough grace... I just let them all go.

I’d been told “Just let it go” a thousand times by my loved ones, but it wasn’t til the way my friend put it that I realised what I had to let go of. I had reached a point where I was ready to hear it.

Since choosing this shift, I’ve been aware of people, quotes and signs that are popping up in my life that are helping me along my way which is reassuring. I was so happy when I came across this quote during the week:

“Follow your bliss.
If you do follow your bliss,
you put yourself on a kind of track
that has been there all the while waiting for you,
and the life you ought to be living
is the one you are living.

When you can see that,
you begin to meet people
who are in the field of your bliss,
and they open the doors to you.

I say, follow your bliss and don't be afraid,
and doors will open
where you didn't know they were going to be.
If you follow your bliss,
doors will open for you that wouldn't have opened for anyone else.”

-Joseph Campbell

It goes to show what a significant impact a seemingly simple anecdote can have on another person.

Top Five Things I LOVED This Wk:

1. Mixing a giant bowl of sauerkraut with my hands at a fermenting workshop this afternoon. (Can’t wait to tell you more about it this week)!
2. The beautiful rustic design of Mothers Milk -the new café in Sawtell. Makes me feel like Coffs is moving up in the world. Slowly.
3. Being handed a cold coconut as I walk in the door after another sweaty hot yoga class.
4. A friend of ours who is such a passionate seamstress made my husband a gorgeous patchwork bean bag and sprinkled it with patchouli oil. There was a story behind each piece of fabric (curtains that used to hang in her children’s bedroom, calico flour bags, parts of shorts, etc). The definition of “made with love”.
5. Those pieces of clothing (aka my tattered denim shorts) that keep creeping their way out of the op shop pile and back into my wardrobe.

“The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or a hostile universe”.
–Albert Einstein

Wake up each morning and decide to be happy. Invite optimism into your day because the universe is on your side. Trust me, it’s good for your health.

Essential Health

0266 514 533
Boulevard Arcade (opp. Blush), Coffs Mall
Facebook: Essential Health Coffs

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