collect moments not things,
earn respect not money
and enjoy love not luxuries”
― Aarti Khurana
Top Five Things I LOVED This Wk:
1. The word “smattering”. I believe it was Winnie the Pooh who I first remember saying it (no doubt in relation to honey), but it delighted me when one of my reps said it this week!
2. The giddy delirium that coincides with knowing you’ll be overseas next week. This involves spontaneous bouts of “We’re-going-to-Hawaii” dances.
3. Loudly yelling “OH MY GOD” with a shop full of customers when I picked up this month’s edition of Focus magazine and there was myself (in a bikini mind you!) and my husband on the cover!
4. Meeting people with the same name as you. It’s so awesome. Does this go for everyone or is it just an ‘Emma’ thing?
5. Walking up to the 6 packs of hot cross buns every time I go to Coles, burying my face in them and taking a deep inhaaaaale. A gluten-free girl can dream right? ;)
Emma the Naturopath xx
PS. This quote was on the front of an early birthday card from my parents. I’ve always thoroughly believed in running your own race. Must be the Aquarian coming out in me…
“I dreamed a thousand paths, I woke and walked my own” –Chinese proverb
If you see a plane flying overhead on Tuesday, it may very well be me on my way to Hawaii!! My husband and I always go overseas this time of year to spend a bit of time together celebrating our wedding anniversary and my birthday (same day).
So pop into the shop and hang out with the endearing Vanessa who is incredibly knowledgeable and so much fun to be around.
I’m very excited to bring you a Top 5 Hawaiian-style!! Bon voyage! xx
Don't panic! It's organic!
Top Five Things I LOVED This Wk:
1. Reading this review when deciding on an airport hotel: “The noise is like being in a tumble drier on high speed with the Tinman as your companion”. Hmmm, tempting…
2. Sparkly pedicures with 7 year old Blossom.
3. Sitting on the floor with Chrystal watching her lovingly create the most stunning dream
catchers out of treasures she’s found at the beach. (Instagram: dawnwolfdreamer)
4. A little jar of coconut sugar accompanied by a mussel shell filled with sea salt on our café table in Byron today.
5. Planting an epic succulent wonderland in my front garden with Father Bear.
Emma the Naturopath xx
PS. “All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy;
For what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves;
We must die to one life before we can enter another.”
-Anatole France
1. The Jetstar check-in chick who gave us a whole row to ourselves on the 10 hour overnight flight to Honolulu! May good karma be bestowed upon her!
2. Riding around the North Shore on our cruisers admiring tropical flowers, shark-shaped letter boxes, giant waves and chickens darting out of our way.
3. Receiving friendly shakas and big smiles when letting the car in front in.
4. Attending a very energising Yoga for Surfers class at Noelani’s in Haleiwa.
5. For my birthday and our wedding anniversary today, my husband took us on a helicopter ride (that of course had a little hula girl on the dash) that circled the island of Oahu! It was honestly one of the best experiences of my life… When the pilot spotted a whale we would zoom over to it to say hello. We cruised over the most breathtaking mountains where a lot of Jurassic Park was filmed. I thought a giant T Rex was going to jump out from behind one of the incredible waterfalls! We saw the sunken remains in Pearl Harbour, miles and miles of pineapple, banana and coffee plantations, the glitz of Waikiki, magnificent volcanos and craters and endless coral reefs bathed in turquoise water. Followed by a relaxing snorkel at Turtle Beach…
Emma the Naturopath xx
PS. “Actually, the best gift you could have given her was a lifetime of adventures…”
–Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
When I was really little, I had a jewellery box with a silver latch. Inside it was lined with pink velvet, there was a shiny mirror and it was filled with all my pretty treasures. When I wound it up and opened the lid, the little ballerina would pop up and start twirling to the music. Do you know the ones I mean? Did you have one too?
This is actually how I relate to travelling. For me, it’s easy to get caught up making a living, following the 7 day routine, cruising along in my bubble. What’s happening in the jungles of Central America or in the Alps in Switzerland is the last thing on my mind. I’m thinking about what invoice needs to be paid next, if yoga is on tonight and what to cook for dinner. The latch is tightly closed on that jewellery box.
But for me, going traveling throws open that dormant lid to reveal a whole wide world out there buzzing with different cultures. The real gems of life.
Travelling inspires me ‘to the nth degree’. All I have to do in explore and invite adventure in. Travel is one of the things that makes me feel alive by rekindling the passion in my soul.
Mahalo and pineapples,
Emma –just Emma xx
I took the above pic when hiking up Makapu’u Point on Saturday.
A massive shout out to my darling husband who I have been married to for two epic years today! You are the honey in my chai, you make my life sweet xx
Mahalo and pineapples,
Emma –just Emma xx
I took the above pic when hiking up Makapu’u Point on Saturday.
A massive shout out to my darling husband who I have been married to for two epic years today! You are the honey in my chai, you make my life sweet xx
"Good things are coming down the road.
Just don't stop walking".
-Robert Warren Painter Jr
Essential Health
0266 514 533
Boulevard Arcade (opp. Blush), Coffs Mall
Facebook: Essential Health Coffs
Instagram: emma_the_naturopath
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