1. Spirulina: Before hitting the sack take a six 500mg spirulina tablets to top up your nutrient levels that get depleted while drinking. The chlorophyll which gives spirulina it’s vibrant green colour is a fantastic blood cleanser. The other option is to throw a teaspoon into your banana smoothie the next day.
2. Nux vomica: Pop these little homeopathic pills under your tongue if you're feeling queasy and they'll set you on the right track.
3. Hydration: This is your time to drink (water) like a fish. Water is going to flush out all those nasty toxins from the alcohol. Booze turns off ADH (anti-diuretic hormone) in our brain therefore you pee more than normal which is dehydrating. The trick is to add a pinch of pink Himalayan salt to your glass of water to replace your electrolytes. It’s got over 100 different minerals in it and will help you absorb more water.
4. Avoid coffee: Caffeine is going to dehydrate you even more which is the last thing you need at this stage. Get into dandelion tea or some green tea.
5. Ginger tea: Grate or slice up some fresh ginger, throw in a slice of lemon and a little honey. The ginger acts as an anti-emetic (anti-spew) and the lemon will help to stimulate liver function.
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Top Five Things I LOVED This Wk:
1. Finally hanging up my lovely 2014 Frankie calendar.
1. Finally hanging up my lovely 2014 Frankie calendar.
3. Floating on my back in the ocean on a bright yellow lilo.
4. Eating mangoes every damn day.
5. Laughing with one of my sweet customers about what my Top 5 will sound like once I have kids. It went something along the lines of “I had a two minute shower today” and “I got to drink a warm cup of tea!” Can you relate mamas?!
PS. I’ve been really enjoying soaking up Summer lately.
Watermelon, lychees, cherries and peaches
Coconut water with fresh lime
Brown skin and lighter hair
The freedom of daylight savings
New bikinis
Refreshing ocean swims
Salads for dinner
Feeling more playful and carefree
It’s like we wait all year for the warmer months but then they go so quickly. Remember to take a moment to just be in the present moment to immerse yourself in this glorious season.
PS. I’ve been really enjoying soaking up Summer lately.
Watermelon, lychees, cherries and peaches
Coconut water with fresh lime
Brown skin and lighter hair
The freedom of daylight savings
New bikinis
Refreshing ocean swims
Salads for dinner
Feeling more playful and carefree
It’s like we wait all year for the warmer months but then they go so quickly. Remember to take a moment to just be in the present moment to immerse yourself in this glorious season.

I woke up on January 1st to this eloquently written email from a gorgeous client of mine…
"Hi Emma
Its coming on 12 months now since we met. I have to tell you you’re amazing. My whole family are feeling better since we started taking your advice. My pregnancy was the easiest, straight forward pregnancy/birth I've had. He is a perfect baby who’s slept through the night since just 6 weeks old and does it consistently. I'm positive that this is due to the due changes we made early on. My daughter’s gum issues have healed beautifully but the biggest change I've noticed is with my husband.
Just recently we switched to having a green smoothie for breakfast every day, like you suggested. Just 2 weeks in and we both feel more energized, HE gets up to make the smoothie because he can notice the difference that its made. We've tried different recipes and had some fails but we've both loved that his energy and playfulness has returned.
After being away for Christmas and eating way too much, we got home Boxing Day just in time to make a quick dinner. He suggested we just have a smoothie instead. This is a huge thing for my husband who’s always telling me my hippie ways won't do much good.
I can't thankyou enough for everything you've done for our family in 2013 and I'm so excited to see what's install for 2014.
Wishing that all the happiness and joy that you've brought to our lives be bestowed right back at you in 2014
Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou"
My latest obsession is eating pudding for breakfast! No I will not be losing my naturopathic accreditation… I’ve been making CHIA PUDDINGS! They are healthy enough to be enjoyed at any time of the day –breakfast, mid-morning, dessert…
One serving:
Add 1 tablespoon of chia seeds to a drinking glass.
Pour in 1 cup of organic coconut cream (or the milk of your choice) and stir.
Leave pudding to set in fridge for at least ½ an hour. If you want the consistency to be less thick, add a few splashes of almond milk before serving.
When ready to serve, top with whatever fruit or nuts you like! I find that by adding fresh fruit it isn’t necessary to add any type of sweetener. My fave combinations include:
*banana and cinnamon
*mango and raspberry
*choc mint (add some raw cacao powder and a few drops of peppermint essence
Top Five Things I LOVED This Wk:
1. A carton of mismatching farm eggs. All different sizes, shapes, colours. A few fluffy feathers and a bit of dirt attached.
2. A tepid bath with Epsom salts and lavender oil before bed on a balmy summer’s night.
3. Rolling over in yoga to notice a heart shaped knot in the wooden floor next to my mat.
4. Playing bocce with my family.
5. My frangipani tree being in full bloom with hot pink flowers. Small bowls of freshly picked flowers are in every room of the house.
Emma the Naturopath xx
PS. “At the center of your being
you have the answer;
you know who you are
and you know what you want.”
-Lao Tzu
Dedicate a little time this week to bring yourself back to yourself. Spend some quiet moments alone listening to what your intuition has been trying to tell you all along.
Essential Health
4. Playing bocce with my family.
5. My frangipani tree being in full bloom with hot pink flowers. Small bowls of freshly picked flowers are in every room of the house.
Emma the Naturopath xx
PS. “At the center of your being
you have the answer;
you know who you are
and you know what you want.”
-Lao Tzu
Dedicate a little time this week to bring yourself back to yourself. Spend some quiet moments alone listening to what your intuition has been trying to tell you all along.
"You are today
where your thoughts of yesterday have brought you
and you will be tomorrow
where your thought of today take you".
-Blaise Pascal
Essential Health
0266 514 533
Boulevard Arcade (opp. Blush), Coffs Mall
Facebook: Essential Health Coffs
Instagram: emma_the_naturopath
Instagram: emma_the_naturopath
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