Not a dull moment goes by at Essential Health.
A young lady bought a tub of spirulina powder last week for her pet moon jellyfish. You read correctly.
“They’re so cute! Like little lava lamps!” She then excitedly went on to tell me that the spirulina is the food for the krill which the jellyfish eat –which are actually sea monkeys! This consequently turns the sea monkeys green.
You can’t just sprinkle the green sea monkeys into the tank for the jellyfish to eat. You have to suck them up with a pipette, chase the jellyfish around the tank until it’s upside down, and then squirt the sea monkeys into it. The jellyfish have four stomachs which give them a four leaf clover appearance when you look down on them.
I was absolutely enthralled as these facts were relayed to me at 100 miles an hour as the customer gushed about her little transparent friends. Not because I too have a secret jellyfish fetish, but how consumed she was with energy.
I LOVE listening to people talk about what they are truly passionate about. I love seeing their face light up, their eyes grow wider, the wild hand gestures and instant enthusiasm that arises from a topic that is close to their heart. Whether it’s the epic wave they got in the surf this morning or the elaborate meal they prepared from scratch or a tank full of jellyfish.
Listen mindfully to people. Don’t just hear the words they say, mindfully tune in to how they say it and what feelings it evokes.
What floats your boat? What flicks your switch and tickles you on the fancy? xx
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