Did you know that I can read minds? It’s true! When I ask my customers and clients how much water they drink, I know what they will answer before they even open their mouths: “Not enough”.
About 8 out of 10 people tell me this. We really take it for granted how privileged we are to have fresh, running water in this country!
Dehydration is recognised by the body as an emergency situation! Alarm bells start going off and vital organs (heart, brain, kidneys and liver) steal water from other organs/body processes to keep the body functioning. For example, the brain might be running low of fluid, so the moisture from faeces in the large intestine will be reabsorbed into the bloodstream This causes constipation because the stool has become hard and difficult to pass. Constipation can lead to feeling tired and toxic, acne, haemorrhoids, etc. Not a very pleasant domino effect.
I’m reading this epic book by Don Chisholm at the moment called “Have you got the guts to be really healthy?” which talks about the importance of hydration and how the majority of health concerns can be greatly alleviated by simply drinking water.
Dehydration causes headaches, fuzzy thinking, constipation, dry skin, high blood pressure, stiff joints, gout, urinary tract infections, low energy and muscle cramps -just to name a few!
Figure out what works for you when it comes to drinking water. Ever since buying the beautiful blue glass bottle that sits on my desk I have increased my water intake three fold. Once you start thinking clearer, your skin starts glowing and you have wild amounts of energy –you’ll never go back.
“You may not be ill; you may just be thirsty”-Don Chisholm
About 8 out of 10 people tell me this. We really take it for granted how privileged we are to have fresh, running water in this country!
Dehydration is recognised by the body as an emergency situation! Alarm bells start going off and vital organs (heart, brain, kidneys and liver) steal water from other organs/body processes to keep the body functioning. For example, the brain might be running low of fluid, so the moisture from faeces in the large intestine will be reabsorbed into the bloodstream This causes constipation because the stool has become hard and difficult to pass. Constipation can lead to feeling tired and toxic, acne, haemorrhoids, etc. Not a very pleasant domino effect.
I’m reading this epic book by Don Chisholm at the moment called “Have you got the guts to be really healthy?” which talks about the importance of hydration and how the majority of health concerns can be greatly alleviated by simply drinking water.
Dehydration causes headaches, fuzzy thinking, constipation, dry skin, high blood pressure, stiff joints, gout, urinary tract infections, low energy and muscle cramps -just to name a few!
Figure out what works for you when it comes to drinking water. Ever since buying the beautiful blue glass bottle that sits on my desk I have increased my water intake three fold. Once you start thinking clearer, your skin starts glowing and you have wild amounts of energy –you’ll never go back.
“You may not be ill; you may just be thirsty”-Don Chisholm
Click here for more Essential Health goodness on water!
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