As we move into the cooler weather you may naturally want to eat more, so ensure that your choices are warm, nourishing and vegetable based foods and resist the temptation to overindulge in the foods that do not support your body’s daily needs. Nourish yourself with seasonal fruit like apples, custard apples, oranges, mandarins, lemons, persimmons, pears and rhubarb. Winter vegies include beetroot, broccoli, brussels sprout, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, fennel, garlic, ginger, kale, leeks, onions, parsnip, peas, potato, pumpkin, shallots, silverbeet, spinach, sweet potato, turnip. My rule is: If you can find it at a local farmers market, it's generally in season.
Although it’s tempting to hibernate during the cooler months, it is so important to keep your body active to increase circulation and burn off those comfort foods we all indulge in this time of year. If it’s raining outside, try indoors activities like pilates, yoga, zumba, gym workouts or swimming and aqua aerobics at an indoor pool. Make the most of the times when it is sunny with an invigorating, brisk walk outdoors.
Food as medicine
*Fresh pesto with lots of garlic and basil
*Chicken and vegetable soup
*A warm bowl of oats with banana and cinnamon
*Fresh slices of lemon and ginger in a mug of hot water
*A super spicy curry to get the nose running
*A beef stew with a variety of root vegetables
*A fresh vegetables juice with lots of ginger and parsley
Tip: when cooking with garlic, add to the dish and stir through just before serving to retain its therapeutic properties.
This term means to return to good health and grow strong again after being sick. We do this by listening to our bodies, taking it easy, rugging up in warm clothing, eating nourishing food and not returning back to work before completely recovered. If we haven’t fully gotten rid of the bug it will come back before you know it.