Mangoes at Xmas.

Chai in the bush.

I love how he's made the juice carton (far right) into a prop for the new seedling.
Such an Italian.
I'm told by customers on a weekly basis how lucky I am for the parents I have. "Yes, I chose them well" is my reply. This week's post is about Tony Locandro:
Dad took me to my first yoga class when I was six. Gave me my first sip of chai at the Body, Mind, Spirit Festival (in a tepee) when I was eight. He used to “forget” to give me messages when boys called when I was fifteen. He taught me to drive our family’s Nissan Bluebird when I was 17 and the day I left home to move to Byron when I was 18, he told me “Don’t forget to eat your vegies”.
When I was at uni in Melbourne he would send regular emails with photos attached of how “our” vegie garden was progressing and then call me and vent about how the white moths were eating the tomatoes again. While studying we would discuss at great lengths over the dinner table about bowel movements and his prostate function while my mum and brother would listen in horror. When I was 23 he bought me a tool box and a bag of cable ties for Xmas and then proudly explained how to use each device.
He taught me all I needed to know when I bought his business at 24 and over the last 26 years of knowing each other; he has always reminded me to be patient, tolerant of others and not to add unnecessary emotions to situations.
So the reason for this blog dedication to my dad today is that he is going to his first Pilates class this morning at 60 years old. I mentioned to him last week that there was an open day for men at my Pilates studio and he sent me a text at 10pm last night saying he wanted to go.
It’s so important to continually try new things and challenge ourselves by stepping out of our comfort zone and meeting some great people along the way. It keeps our lives fresh and interesting and allows us to evolve.
What new things have you done recently?
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