Essential Health's number one pet hate... People who don't make New Years Resolutions!! Or those random fluffy ones like "Be healthier" or "Get fit", but don't make any improvements or changes to make them happen.
Resolutions need to be specific and realistic. Instead of “I will exercise more” how about, “I will go to a Body Balance class at the gym on Tuesday and Thursday nights”.
The things we want in life don’t just knock on our door or fall into our lap, so think about the steps you need to put into place and certain people who can help you to make your goals happen. Ask friends if they can recommend a good personal trainer or naturopath, find the timetable for your local yoga studio, browse book shops for healthy cook books, get a new pair of joggers or sexy Lorna Jane tights and schedule workouts into your diary (in pen, not pencil) like you would a hair appointment.
Telling a friend and writing your health goals down somewhere you can see them on a daily basis like on the fridge or the inside of your diary helps to cement them.
Having said that, here are my New Years Resolutions for 2011:
*Start tennis lessons to make use of the tennis racket Santa gave me for Xmas
*Climb Mount Warning
*De-stress by getting a massage once a month
*No more eating on the run
What are yours?