Are you moving forward or standing still?
Top 5 Things I LOVED This Wk:
1. Homemade banana chai ice cream and mango passion fruit
sorbet. We’ve been palming it off to all our friends and family.
2. Taking off on a wave at Arrawarra point, then looking
over my shoulder to see my husband had joined in for the ride.
3. Starting 2013 with a healthy body and a clear mind. It’s
going to be a GREAT year!!
4. My husband driving over to hang out with me while I
waited for the NRMA. He brought me a mango, gluten-free brownies and a coconut
water and we tore around the car park on our skaties.
5. Our regular fish and chip shop was closed so we went to a
new one that turned out to be ten times better. Then we turned left instead of
right at the beach and stumbled across a perfect little creek where we spent
the afternoon eating and floating with the current.
Don’t forget to have a theme for the year ahead. Eg luxury,
spontaneity, rest, playfulness… Mine is honesty and freedom. What’s yours?

Can you relate?
Top 5 Things I LOVED This Wk:
1. The Brady Bunch. Seriously.
2. Walking along the beach, my head full of thoughts. Looked
down and saw a heart shaped stone. I stopped to pick it up and decided it was a
3. Reading a book in a cool bath on a 37 degree day.
4. When you start cleaning one part of the house and then you’re
on a roll and all of a sudden you’ve done two loads of washing, washed the
dishes, weeded the garden, vacuumed the floors and cleaned the bathroom. Doesn’t
happen often so I thought it was worth mentioning!
5. Learning new Japanese words for my trip every time I go
to buy sushi from the new onigiri bar in town.
Mid-January already… Write down your goals or theme/word for
2013 and stick it on your mirror so you are reminded of it every day!
Emma the Naturopath xx
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