Detox season is upon us! Essential Health customers seem to have the guilts and are having flashbacks of Christmas party cocktails, plum pudding with brandy custard, beers and snags, Ferrero Rochers, then the greasy hangover fry ups… Eek! Hopefully you enjoyed all of these at the time, but let’s look at counteracting your naughty ways.
*Avoid dairy, wheat, excessive red meat, caffeine, fried foods, soft drinks, white rice, processed foods like biscuits or peanut butter, excessive sugar like cakes.
*Eat lots of fresh, seasonal fruit and veg, legumes like chickpeas, fish, free range chicken and eggs, unsalted nuts and seeds and wholegrains like oats, quinoa and brown rice.
*Avoid coffee and black tea such as English Breakfast or Earl Grey. However drink as much herbal tea (especially dandelion or green tea), freshly squeezed fruit and vegie juices and water as possible to help flush out any toxins you’re releasing from your body and make your skin glow!
*The length of the detox should be at least 2 weeks. The longer you do it, the more amazing you’ll feel and the better your results will be.
*Before every meal add half the juice of a fresh lemon to warm water and sip slowly 10-15 minutes before a meal. This stimulates the bitter taste buds on your tongue which tell your stomach to start producing gastric juices so you can digest your food more efficiently.
*“You-time” (relaxation) is a priority during a detox! Take extra time to relax (lying on the beach, yoga, reading a book, gentle walks, going to the movies) to allow your body a chance to properly cleanse.
*Always follow your detox with a course of probiotics.
*Use a dry skin brush before your shower or bath to make sure your lymphatics are draining efficiently
*Once a week, (after exfoliating) apply a green clay mask with one drop (not two, trust me..) of lavender essential oil to you face, neck and chest to draw out impurities
*Relax in a hot bath with one cup of epsom salts and essential oils
*Read ‘You Can Heal Your Life by Louise L. Hay’, ‘Succulent Wild Woman by Sark’ or ‘Eat Mangoes Naked And Dance With The Pips by Sark’ to detox your mind
*Release any negative people who aren’t contributing to your life in a positive way
*Yoga helps the body to release any emotions that have been stored in the body. So does a good deep tissue massage.
*Get your sauna on!
Aim to maintain this level of health. Don’t just return to negative eating habits. Be positive as detoxing is a perfect way to step outside your comfort zone and try new foods like quinoa. So be open to new things and enjoy the experience because the withdrawal headaches don't last forever.